Tuesday, October 30, 2012


So all that seems to be on the news today is Sandy, the storm that swept through the northeast and looks to be the largest storm to ever strike the east coast of the U.S. Naturally, it was the first thing that popped up on BBC News-World, so I thought I'd talk about a clickable infographic which they used to educate people about the devastation in New York.
The infographic shows a 3D map of Manhattan, with arrows pointing to areas of the city that were badly damaged, along with a photograph to illustrate the different areas. The photographs show the city-wide blackout while the Empire State building remains lit up, an apartment building with the facade ripped off in the West Village, low-lying streets in Battery Park and Ground zero that were practically underwater, Battery Tunnel that was completely inundated, a crane near Central Park that was dangling dangerously above city streets, the explosion of a power plant which left about 500,000 homes without power, fallen trees in East Village, and finally, the closing of the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq which curbed government bond trading.

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