Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lance Armstrong, Doping, and Multimedia

So after last week's crazy Lance Armstrong doping story, I decided to see if I could find some interesting stuff on BBC News-World. I found a cool article called "Lance Armstrong: Fall of a Sporting Hero" littered with text, facts, photos, interviews, and even a little educational video on blood doping:

In another article, called "Lance Armstrong: Tyler Hamilton on 'how US Postal Cheated,'" there's a clickable section which, if you click on the photo of the cyclist, it shows you how he was involved in the doping scandal and how they testified. It's a very informative piece because it would probably be a headache to find all of these names in one article, and describe exactly how they were involved in all of this. Since so many people were involved, having all of this information in one place is great.

Also in this article is a chart showing all the winners of the Tour de France, and shaded in red are the ones who have admitted or been caught doping. It's really very sad, I think it shows the scope of the issue, and truly demonstrates how dark the hour is for the cycling world. Clearly this is a huge issue that affects the majority of professional cyclists, but I think after all the public humiliation Lance Armstrong endured, through his own doing, people will probably be too scared to dope anymore. Let's hope anyway.

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