Monday, October 8, 2012

A Day in Pictures

Since the Slideshow project was assigned last week, I thought this week I would talk about prominent photography on BBC News-World online. I stumbled upon "A Day in Pictures," a slideshow section that they seem to do every day of the year! I thought, 'what a great idea, they sum up each day's news with beautiful photography.' Since I am a photojournalism major, this appealed to me greatly.

The news stories shown in the slide show or "gallery" as they called it, were the resupply mission to the International Space Station, Chavez' victory in Venezuela, a crash at the Nascar Sprint Cup Series, a Jennifer Lopez concert in Madrid, Air Force One landing in Los Angele, World Habitat Day in Cambodia, an anti-austerity riot near the EU offices in Athens, the opening of the World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, a glass blower in Afghanistan, and finally, the wreckage after a bomb explosion in Afghanistan. Of course the Venezuelan president's triumph is of particular interest to me as I am Colombian, so I included it in my screenshot. Very sad news, and a very sad day for many Venezuelans. Truly a diverse set of photographs, all beautifully taken, all newsworthy, all equally important.

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