Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama vs. Romney: US Election Poll Tracker

This week, thanks to my audio piece on the election, I had my mind on the Obama-Romney race more than usual. I was looking around on BBC.com and found a fun little interactive US Election poll tracker. It showed who was leading in the polls by date and color, and even had some explanations for why that might be. Obviously Mitt Romney has had a tough few weeks, so right now it seems he is down in the polls but is recovering a little bit.
I think interactive graphics like this make readers want to know more about certain topics like the election. It places valuable information in a readable, understandable, and even fun medium, which makes readers more likely to spend time on it and understand it.
I think maps like this are not so complicated to design once you learn how to do it. I do wish they would advertise it more and make it a little bit more obvious for site visitors. I had to search around for it quite a bit, and I think a graphic like this is something people would be interested in seeing. 

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