Friday, December 14, 2012

Egypt voices: Constitutional Referendum

As I was looking around BBC News-World today, I discovered that Egypt is preparing to vote on a controversial draft constitution. Opinion is deeply divided on this, as it was drafted by President Morsi's assembly, which does not represent the views of the majority. BBC interviewed eight residents of Cairo to see what their personal views on the draft constitution were and if they were going to vote for it.
I think this is the same concept as what we do in class with our audio packages, but I can't help but think this might convey the information better. The interviews are simplified into a few questions: "Will you vote yes on the draft constitution? Have you read all the articles in the constitution? How will the constitution affect you personally? How do you think this constitution will affect the situation in the country?"
This textual format allows for a great deal of information to be conveyed, without dragging on into a five-minute audio piece. I think perhaps what might also work is if under each person, there were a photo and a small audio clip of them explaining their views. This might give more of a personalized feel to the story. But then there is the language barrier; many of these people may not speak perfect English, so writing it out may have been the best option anyway. Either way, I think showing the views of individuals in other countries is one of the great things about journalism. We get to learn about how others living in completely different circumstances feel about the state of their country and the world.

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