Monday, December 10, 2012

Asia set to "eclipse" US and Europe by 2030

Today, as I was scouring BBC for multimedia, I came upon a very interesting video about how Asia is predicted to eclipse the US and Europe in terms of "megacities" and global power by 2030.
The video begins by showing a map of the world, beginning in 1980 when New York and Tokyo were the only cities generating enough light to be seen from outer space. Mexico City and Sao Paolo soon join them. The map then shows the appearance of Mumbai as the first megacity in India, followed by a trend showing more urbanization in Asia more than anywhere else in the world. By 2010, China also had major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai.

 video from:

The video then zooms in on India and goes on to explain the explosive growth that took place within its two most popular cities (Mumbai and Delhi) between 1992 and 2010, placing these two cities in the top five most populous cities in the world, along with Tokyo, Sao Paolo, and Dhaka. Assuming India follows this trend of explosive growth, by 2025, the two Indian megacities will be in spots two and three. By then, Asia's megacities will dominate, and seven of 10 of the world's most populous will be on the Asian continent.
This video is a relevant and informative accompaniment to an article about Asia's predicted eclipse of the US and European economy combined.

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