Friday, December 14, 2012

Egypt voices: Constitutional Referendum

As I was looking around BBC News-World today, I discovered that Egypt is preparing to vote on a controversial draft constitution. Opinion is deeply divided on this, as it was drafted by President Morsi's assembly, which does not represent the views of the majority. BBC interviewed eight residents of Cairo to see what their personal views on the draft constitution were and if they were going to vote for it.
I think this is the same concept as what we do in class with our audio packages, but I can't help but think this might convey the information better. The interviews are simplified into a few questions: "Will you vote yes on the draft constitution? Have you read all the articles in the constitution? How will the constitution affect you personally? How do you think this constitution will affect the situation in the country?"
This textual format allows for a great deal of information to be conveyed, without dragging on into a five-minute audio piece. I think perhaps what might also work is if under each person, there were a photo and a small audio clip of them explaining their views. This might give more of a personalized feel to the story. But then there is the language barrier; many of these people may not speak perfect English, so writing it out may have been the best option anyway. Either way, I think showing the views of individuals in other countries is one of the great things about journalism. We get to learn about how others living in completely different circumstances feel about the state of their country and the world.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nasa's Big Mistake

Oops. According to BBC, the US Space Agency, Nasa, has admitted to mistaking a mountain in India for Mount Everest when it posted a picture taken from space. If there's one thing that loses an organization's credibility, it's mistaking a huge landmark like Everest. I'm sure it was the fault of someone who was on their first day of the job, had no idea what they were doing, and was not an expert on Nepalese mountain ranges.
I bring this up because I think this type of thing could definitely happen to journalism students, and I think it is worth mentioning that once we are employed, we really need to focus more on accuracy. It's so easy to make a dumb mistake, like misquoting someone, spelling their name wrong, giving them the wrong title, etc. I worry that journalism students aren't used to people checking their sources for errors, and when you work for a publication or any news outlet that hundreds, if not thousands of people read each day, you are representing that publication's integrity. Teachers don't have the time to go through every single source that you write about in your paper and shoot for your video. So, if you spell someone's name wrong, or make them sound bad, etc., it's not a huge deal. But in reality, it's actually someone's reputation on the line, and people can be very defensive about that. Not to mention, people in the US will sue anyone for just about anything. Whoever made the Nasa mistake most likely got fired, I am guessing. Having to go out and publicly state that they made a mistake and apologize to the world is not a matter that is taken lightly. Same goes for journalism. Here is the infamous picture and its headline on BBC. To remind you, this NOT Everest.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012 SoWa Holiday Market Gets Consumers Shopping Locally

In an economy where many goods are made overseas, independent business owners take pride in the fact that their work is original and handmade. That's why SoWa, short for South of Washington, an art gallery district in Boston, offers a holiday market each year. Sponsored by Yelp, the 9th annual SoWa Holiday Market is an effort to get consumers shopping locally and supporting their local arts community. 

This year, the market took place inside the main building of the Benjamin Franklin Institute in Boston’s South End. More than 60 vendors set up shop on Saturday and Sunday, with the show running from 11 am- 6 pm on Saturday and 11 am- 5 pm on Sunday.

An extension of the SoWa Open Market, which runs from April to October each season, the event drew hundreds of holiday shoppers from the Boston area. Many of the independent designers, crafters, and artists who frequent the summer market also apply to be in its winter version. Markets like these are a good way for independent business owners to expand their clientele.

From hand-pressed stationary to flower arrangements, handbags to silk-screened t-shirts, paintings to stockings, and more, the market offers gifts for all loved ones.  
Here's a brief look at my time spent at the 2012 SoWa Holiday market on Saturday.

Audio Slideshow: Nelson Mandela

In response to the news that Nelson Mandela has a lung infection, BBC linked to an audio slideshow made in 2010 about Mandela's life since his release from prison in 1990. The photographs are all quite famous, from various different news outlets including the AP, Getty Images, AFP, and Rex Features. The slideshow is accompanied by an amazing song by Ladysmith Black Mambazo and various radio broadcasts from different periods in Mandela's political career.
I always thought video was more compelling than still photo, for reasons that seemed obvious to me, but now I think my photojournalism professor (Professor Lippincott) may have it right. The photos, though frozen, are quite full of life. They are perhaps more telling than a video could ever be, since, having been shot at the right moment and from the right angle, allow the viewer to focus on the power behind the subject's facial expressions and body positioning. They have a composition, and force the viewer to reflect on a given moment for longer. I also think that since all the photos are so different, they hold the audience's attention for longer than a video, which has a lot of interviews that may bore viewers.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Asia set to "eclipse" US and Europe by 2030

Today, as I was scouring BBC for multimedia, I came upon a very interesting video about how Asia is predicted to eclipse the US and Europe in terms of "megacities" and global power by 2030.
The video begins by showing a map of the world, beginning in 1980 when New York and Tokyo were the only cities generating enough light to be seen from outer space. Mexico City and Sao Paolo soon join them. The map then shows the appearance of Mumbai as the first megacity in India, followed by a trend showing more urbanization in Asia more than anywhere else in the world. By 2010, China also had major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai.

 video from:

The video then zooms in on India and goes on to explain the explosive growth that took place within its two most popular cities (Mumbai and Delhi) between 1992 and 2010, placing these two cities in the top five most populous cities in the world, along with Tokyo, Sao Paolo, and Dhaka. Assuming India follows this trend of explosive growth, by 2025, the two Indian megacities will be in spots two and three. By then, Asia's megacities will dominate, and seven of 10 of the world's most populous will be on the Asian continent.
This video is a relevant and informative accompaniment to an article about Asia's predicted eclipse of the US and European economy combined.